Carrer de Carles Roman Ferrer, 32
07800 Eivissa, Spain
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If you wish to order a vegetarian meal, please call our booking number a few days before your trip: +34 681 380 420, Mon-Sat, from 10:00 – 20:00.
The boat party also includes the following activities: flying banana and jetski passenger rides. The execution of these activities are all subject to weather conditions.
The online ticket to the IBZ Boat Party also includes one entry to Ushuaïa – any day entry before 18:00 or before 16:00 for ANTS, or Hï – any day entry before 01:00. (Important: you can go to Ushuaïa or Hï – you choose which). The offer does not include BIG with David Guetta at Ushuaïa nor the opening and closing parties.
Please check the Spotlight party calendar for opening and closing dates for these parties, to see which ones are available when you are here.